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Why green wheat fields?
por Henrique Chagas
publicado em 11/10/2003.
When I was a child I would think as a child. When thinking, I used all the imagination I could. To think I used to stay under a tree looking at the horizon feeling the wind on my face and in its speed I let my thoughts wander. What I liked most was to look at wheat fields, with then green clusters, waving with the wind. I spent hours contemplating the green wheat fields and the waves formed by the spikes going and coming in a certain rhythm of then own nature. I was a kid letting my thoughts wander...
Later, an adult already, I returned many times to the place I was born and gown up. I go there as often as possible to remember and revive all the dreams I had under that fresh shade of the orange trees, mango trees and avocado trees. But what I truly missed was the time I spent contemplating the going and coming of the spikes of the wheat fields... The green wheat fields... Each time they come to my mind they make me sure dreams never grow old. Indeed, our dreams never age, as says the composer Márcio Borges.
Since I was a child, I learned that to be a man you have to think. All the anxiety and troubles in life show us frequently we are a lot vulnerable although being intelligent and having the capacity so thinking. Opposing the vulnerability to the capacity of thinking and loving is what makes noble beings so us. We don t come to life as full-blown thinking and loving beings. We learn how to think and how to love. The more we practice, the more we know we have a long way to go.
To think... is an art! Aristotle, the philosopher of Athens, used to think about the art of thinking. He wrote a book suggestively named "Organon", that means, "instrument". For Aristotle it is necessary to equip the intelligence with what it needs to think in a right way.
Green Wheat fields! This is the virtual space where all the people who want to think life, to dream, can join me.
Sobre o Autor
Henrique Chagas: Henrique Chagas, 49, nasceu em Cruzália/SP, reside em Presidente Prudente, onde exerce a advocacia e participa de inúmeros eventos literários, especialmente no sentido de divulgar a nossa cultura brasileira. Ingressou na Caixa Econômica Federal em 1984. Estudou Filosofia, Psicologia e Direito, com pós-graduação em Direito Civil e Processo Civil e com MBA em Direito Empresarial pela FGV. Como advogado é procurador concursado da CAIXA desde 1992, onde exerce a função de Coordenador Jurídico Regional em Presidente Prudente (desde 1996). Habilitado pela Universidade Corporativa Caixa como Palestrante desde 2007 e ministra palestras na área temática Responsabilidade Sócio Empresarial, entre outras.É professor de Filosofia no Seminário Diocesano de Presidente Prudente/SP, onde leciona o módulo de Formação da Consciência Crítica; e foi professor universitário de Direito Internacional Público e Privado de 1998 a 2002 na Faculdade de Direito da UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente/SP. No setor educacional, foi professor e diretor de escola de ensino de 1º e 2º graus de 1980 a 1984.
Além das suas atividades profissionais ligadas ao direito, Henrique Chagas é escritor e pratica jornalismo cultural no portal cultural VerdesTrigos (, do qual é o criador intelectual e mantenedor desde 1998. É jurado de vários prêmios nacionais e internacionais de literatura, entre eles o Prêmio Portugal Telecom de Literatura.
No BLOG Verdes Trigos, Henrique anota as principais novidades editoriais, literárias e culturais, praticando verdadeiro jornalismo cultural. Totalmente atualizado: 7 dias por semana.
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